Rare marquetry cabinet

made with brass, tortoiseshell and palissander veneering. It is adorned with chiselled, gilded bronze ornaments.
It was probably created in Anvers by the cabinetmaker and merchant Henry Van Soest.

Louis XIV era.
Provenance: Galerie Kraemer


Volume Nero, 1959.
Volume Blanco, 1960.

With this selection, two different ideas of what art should be are brought together, and yet convey the same message. On the one hand, the majestic Louis XIV cabinet and its splendid marquetry work represent trophies and victory scenes. On the other, a 20th-century artist offers elliptical, hollowed out shapes. The canvas seems to turn into a frame for the entire space. It invites us to interpret the relationship between matter and art.

This dialogue between the Belgian cabinetmaker Henry Van Soest (1659 – 1726) and the Italian artist Dadamaino (1930 – 2004) was displayed in Kraemer Gallery and the consulting firm Ars Belga. It showcases two different ways to express art: the descriptive and the subjective ways.