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Two paintings made with polychrome tapestry – Louis XV era

Provemance: Galerie Kraemer.
Musée Nissim de Camondo, Paris.

Deux tableaux en tapisserie polychrome Epoque Louis XV Nissim de Camondo

These two paintings each represent a polychrome still life with a flower bouquet in a vase against a brown background. They were made with tapestry by the Manufacture royale de La Savonnerie. This workshop was famous in the 18th century and was well-known for its exceptional savoir-faire. There, craftsmen would make gifts intended for foreign sovereigns.
La Savonnerie used a high-quality loom which is similar to the one that was used in the Manufacture des Gobelins. The craftsmen used a knot that brought both tuft ends to the surface between two warp yarns (Ghiordes knot). During the reign of Louis XV, the Manufacture provided numerous carpets for royal residences and also made ornaments for chairs and folding screens.