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Two bergères – Early Louis XVI era

Two cabriole bergères made of carved, painted white wood with blue ornaments.
Stamped by Mathieu de BAUVE.

Donated by the Duchess of Windsor.
Château de Versailles.

These impressive bergères were made by Mathieu de Bauve, who was a cabinetmaker during the Louis XV and Louis XVI eras.

He made numerous bergères featuring carved flowers which came in unusual, original shapes. He expressed the full extent of his creativity with these armrests, which are covered with acanthus leaves. The enclosed sides of the chair are connected to the medallion-shaped back and to the curved back legs.

He combined innovative shapes, coiling patterns and straight lines. The wood was meticulously carved and was painted blue. With these two bergères, De Bauve gave pride of place to powerful, curving lines. Marie-Antoinette herself was one of his customers; in the early Louis XVI era, he created numerous furniture pieces for her.