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January and February (part of a set illustrating the months of the year)

Follower of Antoine Watteau
Second quarter 18th century
Oil on panel; wood frame, painted yellow and gilded

Provenance: Galerie Kraemer.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Kraemer dans les musées : Watteau, Janvier et février. 7 panneaux.

One of a set of panels (22.225.1–6) which probably formed a set of decoration for a room. Each panel represents two months of the year, depicting astrological signs and occupations appropriate to the seasons. January and February are represented by an old man and Harlequin warming themselves in front of a fire, above, and a skater, below. The figures of Pierrot, Harlequin and a putto with a tambourine allude to Carnival.